This is a blog kept by students of Written Expression IV at ISFD 30. Enjoy!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Speak out Loud

123 Fake Street
BBC Network
S1345 PT

Mister President of BBC network,
                We address you to present our newest TV proposal. We have been working on a show aimed at teenagers.
                The show will have different sections such as interviews, games, sketches, music and relevant issues all of them connected with teenagers’ interests.
The title of the programme is going to be Speak out Loud since we believe this name fits perfectly with teenagers need to express themselves in an appropriate environment.
An important feature our TV show has is the fact that the hosts will be adolescents. We discuss this idea among our staff and we all agree that the expected audience will feel identified or even connected when seeing somebody of their same age, having their same interest or sharing the same dress code.
As regards the sections of the show, it will be divided into three segments.
Ø  First segment: Interviews of a famous personality.
The interviewed will talk about his/her adolescence which in time will create a bound between the interviewed and the audience since they may see reflected on the experiences told by the interviewed.
Ø  Second segment: Games of the week/month/year
In this section there will be a game which is going to be analyzed by a member of the audience who may be selected at random from the public or selected via internet by submitting a video on the YouTube channel of the TV show. This will promote the interaction among viewers and hosts.
Ø  Third segment: Music
Different musical genres will be chosen by the audience by mean of the vast social networks such as, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, etc.
We are very grateful of your time and we welcome the chance to work as part of the channel. We deeply believe we may contribute to your TV network.

Yours sincerely.



  1. It's a great show girls! I love the idea of interaction using the social networks, but I didn't get your final segment.Will they have to choose the musical genre for the next show or for the one in course?

  2. Hi girls! I really like your idea! Good work! However I think that there is a problem in this sentence: "The title of the programme is going to be Speak out Loud since we believe this name fits perfectly with teenagers need to express themselves in an appropriate environment." Probably you forgot to use the apostrophe at the end of "teenagers".
