This is a blog kept by students of Written Expression IV at ISFD 30. Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The rain’s power

It was about to rain and it was a dark and cold evening. A group of ants called ‘The Red Army’ was afraid of the huge drops which were a threat for its anthill. In order to go through the tempest, they strengthened their enormous shelter with branches and leaves.

When the neighbour communities saw how safe their shelter was, they immediately wanted to join the Red Army. The old Queen Margaret totally refused the idea. But the King ordered to remove some extra supplies out of the anthill: ‘-That’s craziness! We will not help them’, said Margaret furiously. Surprisingly, a defiant and rebellious voice was heard. ‘What’s wrong with that?’ said little Red ant. ‘It makes new room for new people’. When the Queen was about to reply the little daring girl a sudden shower broke out. It was in that moment that the King allowed the other communities to come in.

Even though the Queen was against that decision, all the communities worked together to undergo the deadly weather.

Friday, June 6, 2014


Of her tiny room, little red ant was tired. She needed more space to give a big birthday party. She thought and thought and the idea came across. She went to the shop and came back with a bomb. Matches in hand the countdown begun... 5, 4, 3, 2... "NOOOOOOOO!" Little Red Ant's mom shouted and blew the flame. "You can't explode your room!". "What's wrong with that?" Said Little Red Ant. "It makes room for new people". "Oh you little naughty ant, go to sleep!" Ordered Little Red Ant's mom.

The end

The gift of God

Once upon a time there were two old ants’ Kingdoms. One was called ‘The Black’ and the other was named ‘The Red’. They used to live in harmony sharing the goods of the nature but after a dried season, things changed a lot.

As the food was not enough for all of them, they started fighting for the only tree that was alive. Days went on and the situation got worse. Many of them died because of the little food on the land. This is why one little red ant proposed to share the tree in place of keeping on with the cruel struggle. The other group was against the idea since ants were too many.

What’s wrong with that? - Said little red ant. It makes room for new people, too. This simple words changed the minds of the ants and understood how important is to share whatever you have. At this moment, the rain began falling down and hundreds trees grew up around them as a gift of God.

From the oak tree to the pine tree

Once upon a time, there was a community of red ants which lived behind a pine tree. Where the tallest oak tree was, there lived the black ants community. Red ants hated black ants because they lived in tallest tree of the forest. When the hard rain of April fell, the black antes were desperate. They had to evacuate their home and didn´t want to do it.

Red queen mother was watching at the news. She noticed the black ant’s situation. Immediately, she announced a general meeting with her community. She felt empathy towards the blacks.

“Good Morning. Considering the black ant´s problem I have decided to help them”.

“Are you mad?. They are our enemies.” said the prime minister.

“No. Think what you are saying, we are all ants. We must help our siblings”. Replied the queen.

“What´s wrong with that?” said little red ant. “It makes room for new people”.

“What do you mean by it?” asked queen mother.

“Let´s dig! We have to dig deeper and that will make room for new people.” Said little red ant.

“Good idea! I will let the blacks know about our decision.” exclaimed the queen.

Three days later, the blacks and the reds were living all together as a whole and unique community. They forgot about their anger towards each other.